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Lily houseplant of the month

Lily: Houseplant of the month in March

The stunning lily (lilium) is one of the most popular flowers around. With beautiful large petals, array of colours and exquisite fragrance, lilies add an elegant touch to any home. Here at Mansi Florist, we are often asked to include lilies in bouquets as ‘they are my mums favourite flower’ or ‘my partner just loves the smell of them’.

What many people don’t realise is that lilies actually make fab house plants too! There is a variety of colours you can chose for your potted lily; rich red, sunshine yellow, happy orange, vibrant pink, elegant white or pretty pastel shades to add a splash of exotic colour to any room. Lily plants are also pretty low maintance, so are easy to look after and display in the home or office.

What to look for when buying a potted lily

  • Check the plant is in bud, so you get to experience the whole lavish flowering process.
  • Look for bulbs that are well rooted so the stems are supported
  • The plant shouldn’t have any dried buds or yellow leaves

Caring for you potted Lily

  • Lilies don’t mind a lot of light, but avoid placing them in bright direct sunlight.
  • Keeping the lilies in a cooler position helps extend flowering life
  • Sprinkle with water regularly, so the soil doesn’t dry out (but avoid over watering!)
  • Carefully remove any wilted flowers by snipping at the base
  • Once the plant has flowered, it has finished and the bulb can be planted in the garden.

How to display your potted lily

Lilies are the star of the show, so let them shine by keeping the base simple – a chic black, matte grey or white pot works best. If you have several lily pots to display in your home, position them at different heights to give a lively look, with lots of depth.

Looking for a special lily gift?

Mansi Florist have a beautiful range of bestselling bouquets that include lilies, including Pure Elegance Handtied in pretty pastel shades of white, cream and pinks or our stunning Vibrant Handtied for bold and bright lilies, roses and carnations.

After a bespoke bouquet of lilies or a special lily plant as a gift? Get in touch with Mansi florist in Pinner and our expert team will be happy to help!

With special thanks to the Flower Council Holland for Images and background information.

Lily houseplant of the month